PEDG 2024 is an international symposium sponsored by IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and is hosted by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) from June 23rd to 26th, 2024.

Powering Innovation by Sharing Knowledge

We are excited to invite tutorial proposals for PEDG 2024, offering a unique opportunity for experts to share their knowledge and expertise with our diverse audience. Each tutorial session will provide an in-depth exploration of relevant topics and will typically last for 3 hours. To express our appreciation for your contribution, each accepted tutorial will receive one complimentary conference registration. Additionally, an honorarium will be provided to recognize the valuable expertise you bring to PEDG 2024. Please note that for those interested in publishing a technical paper, a paid full conference registration will still be required.

To submit your tutorial proposal, please send it to For your convenience, we have provided a Tutorial Proposal Form on the website as a submission template. All tutorial proposals will undergo a thorough review process conducted by a panel of distinguished subject matter experts. This ensures that our tutorial program maintains the highest quality and relevance for our attendees. Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to PEDG 2024's exceptional program and share your insights with a global community of power electronics and distributed generation systems enthusiasts. We look forward to receiving your tutorial proposals and welcoming you to PEDG 2024 in Luxembourg!

<Download the Call for Tutorials Flyer>

<Download the Tutorial Proposal Form>

<Submit your Tutorial Proposal now!!>



Consider a wide range of compelling topics for PEDG 2024 tutorials. Dive into smart grids, microgrids, and nanogrids, or delve into electrical energy storage, both real and virtual. Travel around unconventional renewable energy sources like geothermal, ocean waves, and tidal power. Explore energy conversion for information technology, energy harvesting, and smart, energy-efficient buildings. Examine energy efficiency in advanced manufacturing, big data, machine learning, digital twins, and cybersecurity in energy conversion systems. Delve into transportation electrification, battery charging, resiliency in energy systems, and MV/HVDC grids. Choose the area that aligns with your passion and expertise, as they all contribute to the power electronics and distributed generation systems field.

We invite tutorial proposals encompassing the expansive field of advanced power electronics technologies. These proposals can explore a diverse array of topics, including power electronic devices, innovative power conversion topologies, advanced modelling and control techniques for power converters, electric machines and drive systems, as well as passive components, magnetics, and materials, with a particular focus on their applications in high-frequency contexts. Furthermore, we encourage tutorials that delve into cutting-edge developments in packaging, integration, and advanced manufacturing methodologies, while addressing challenges related to EMI and EMC. Thermal management strategies, advanced cooling technologies, wireless power transfer innovations and high-voltage power conversion, including insulation technologies, design automation, and optimization, reliability, diagnostics, prognostics, health management techniques, fault-tolerant converters and systems, and protective mechanisms, including advanced gate drive solutions for converters, all fall within the scope of tutorial proposals for this category.

  • Industry Collaboration: Consider industry-led or co-hosted lectures to bridge the gap between academia and real-world applications.
  • Interactive Engagement: Utilize interactive instructor-audience approaches, including hands-on demonstrations and practical exercises to enhance learning experiences.
  • Practical Application: Emphasize application-focused sessions that provide tools and methods relevant to practicing engineers in their daily work.
  • Local Relevance: Explore regionally oriented topics in the Benelux region, such as smart mobility, to connect with the local context.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage collaborative, cross-disciplinary tutorial teams and topics that broaden horizons and foster innovation.
  • Narrow Focus: Avoid overly specialized topics that may have limited appeal to a broad audience.
  • Imbalance: Ensure a balance between theory and practical application in lectures to cater to varied interests and needs.
  • Repetition: Avoid tutorial topics or teams that have been recently presented at the last ECCE or at other major IAS/PELS conferences to maintain freshness.
  • Redundant Research: Refrain from focusing narrowly on the presenter's own research works that are already publicly available in order to offer new insights.
  • Promotional Content: Steer clear of any solicitation of a particular product or service to maintain the educational focus of the tutorials.


Proposal Submission and Review Process

All tutorial proposals must be sent to Please use the Proposal Form on the website as a submission template.

The proposals will be reviewed by a panel of subject matter experts.

Important dates for Tutorial

Tutorial Proposal Due January 31, 2024
Notification of Acceptance March 31, 2024
Final Tutorial Materials Due     May 24, 2024 


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